Harm Reduction Center of Southern Oregon


One of the most successful AIDS service organizations in the State of Oregon, the Harm Reduction Center provides HIV and Hepatitis C screening, syringe access, case management, prevention information and referrals in four counties in rural Southwest Oregon. Our programs serve an area covering 9,900 square miles with two population centers (Roseburg and Grants Pass) along the I-5 corridor. Over a quarter million people live in this region where more than 125 people are reported to be infected with HIV. Chronic Hep C became reportable in Oregon on July 1, 2005, 536 chronic cases have been reported through 2005. There are no other programs in this four county area providing these services.

We offer Harm Reduction Presentations, introducing HIV and Hepatitis C prevention, to teens at area pubic, private, charter, and alternative schools, youth shelters, youth treatment and juvenile detention programs in Douglas, Josephine, Coos and Curry Counties.

We also bring harm reduction presentation to every treatment program, shelter and county jail in this 9,900 square mile area…and the State Prison in North Bend. During the last quarter (July-September), we made 40 presentations: 22 times at treatment programs, 9 at juvenile detention centers, 3 to Job Corps youth, 3 to women self-help programs and shelters and one at Douglas County jail. We reached 398 adults and 152 teens. Of these, 337 tested for HIV. Three tested positive for HIV. An Oregon Department of Human Services HIV-1 Test Request Form was completed for each person tested and submitted to the Public Health Laboratory. The statistics are available on the State website.

Our primary goal is to make our community safer by making HIV and Hepatitis screening routine for high risk individuals. We accomplish this by offering the new HIV rapid test at over forty sites. In 2004 we ranked third in the State for the number of high-risk tests performed in the public sector behind Lane and Multnomah Counties.
In Douglas and Josephine Counties we offer clean syringes as a primary vehicle for reaching out-of-treatment injection drug users. Through fixed exchange sites in Roseburg and Grants Pass, we distribute 12-15,000 syringes a quarter. Besides clean injection equipment we offer the HIV Ora-quick test, nutritional supplements, wound care products, information and referrals. At our Roseburg exchange, in partnership with Douglas County Health Department, we offer Hepatitis C screening and Hep A-B vaccinations one afternoon a week.


About Us

The Harm Reduction Center of Southern Oregon (HRCSO) embraces the belief that HIV and Hepatitis C awareness is essential and must be ongoing. Our mission is to serve the needs of those affected by and at risk of HIV and Hep C in Douglas, Josephine, Coos and Curry Counties. We are a United Way Member Agency governed by a 12 member Board of Directors that meets quarterly. The Annual Meeting held in April Board members chair various subcommittees (Financial & Audit, Investment, Fund Development, Program Development/Eval & Board Development) and serve on program advisory boards. Each year our fiscal records are examined by an independent auditor in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.

HRCSO evolved from the Roseburg AIDS Task Force in 1986 and received 501(c)(3) status in May 1987. For 10 years we operated a level III foster care facility, known as Ruby House, for people with HIV disease. With the introduction of powerful new therapies, the focus on end of life care was changed to outreach and prevention in 1998. Ruby House closed and we became a resource center.

This facility continues to expand and evolve. Besides outreach, we offer wrap-around case management to people living with HIV/AIDS and Hep C Screening/A-B vaccinations at our Roseburg office. We distribute condoms to high risk individuals, host a small lending library, operate a computer lab for the general public, and maintain a conference room which hosts half a dozen Twelve Step groups and provides a space for Hep C and blood borne pathogen trainings conduction for local and regional healthcare providers.

Harm Reduction Center of Southern Oregon


Serving Douglas and Josephine Counties along the I-5 Corridor
Coos and Curry Counties along the Oregon Coast
with offices in
Roseburg and Grants Pass
--since 1986--

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HIV & Hepatitis C Interventions!
Take the test! Take control!!

Helping to keep our communities safer:

Test Sites & Times

South Coast Hospice Bereavement Center
1610 Thompson Road, Coos Bay Oregon
3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
On the second Thursday of each month.

Family Resource Center
5 St. John's Way, Reedsport Oregon
3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
On the last Thursday of each month.

Southern Coos Specialty Clinic
913 SE 11th Street, Bandon, Oregon
10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
On the fourth Saturday of each month.

Curry County Health Department
1403 Oregon Hwy 101, Port Orford Oregon
12:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M.
On the fourth Friday of each month.

Curry County Health Department
425 Mill Beach Road, Brookings Oregon
3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
On the fourth Friday of each month.

Curry County Health Department
94235 Moore Street, Gold Beach Oregon
6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
On the fourth Friday of each month.

Inclimate weather sometimes affects access to the coastal testing sites.

For more information, contact
Harm Reduction Center of Southern Oregon
Phone 1-541-440-2761
Toll free 1-877-440-2761
FAX 541.440.9665
E-mail: mary@hivroseburg.org

or drop by:
Harm Reduction Center of Southern Oregon
832 NW Highland
Roseburg, Oregon
Monday-Friday 9am to 3pm.